Elements of the frameworkExamples of recommended processes
▸ C1 CommunicationMaintaining a supportive care register of terminally ill patients, regular multidisciplinary team meetings, patient held records
▸ C2 Coordination of carePractice coordinator to ensure smooth running of palliative care procedures. Named GP and district nurse for each patient
▸ C3 Control of symptomsHolistic assessment of symptoms. Use of symptom assessment tools
▸ C4 Continuity out of hoursSending details for terminally ill patients to the out-of-hours provider. Leaving drugs in the home which can be anticipated as being needed (for example, diamorphine for a syringe driver)
▸ C5 Continued learningAudit of palliative care delivery, practice/patient-centred learning including significant event analysis
▸ C6 Carer supportIdentifying carers' needs. Keeping a carers' register. Offering practical, emotional, and bereavement support
▸ C7 Care in the dying phaseUse of protocol or pathway to ensure good practice