Egger's test for small-study effects: regress standard normal deviate of intervention effect estimate against its standard error
• Number of studies = 15
• Root MSE = 2.029
Std_Eff |CoefficientStandard errortP>|t|95% CI
slope |0.2590.2710.9500.357−0.327 to 0.844
bias |−1.5491.277−1.2100.247−4.309 to 1.211
Begg's test for small-study effects: rank correlation between standardised intervention effect and its standard error
• adjusted Kendall's Score (PQ) = −17
• Standard deviation of score = 20.21
• Number of studies = 15
z = 0.79 (continuity corrected)
• Pr > |z| = 0.428 (continuity corrected)
Peter's test for small-study effects: regress intervention effect estimate on 1/Ntot, with weights S × F/Ntot
• Number of studies = 15
• Root MSE = 0.937
Std_Eff |CoefficientStandard errortP>|t|95% CI
bias |78.904349.6550.2300.825−676.479 to 834.287
constant |−0.4400.359−1.2300.242−1.215 to 0.336
Harbord's modified test for small-study effects: regress Z/√(V) on √(V) where Z is efficient score and V is score variance
• Number of studies = 15
• Root MSE = 2.225
Z√(V)CoefficientStandard errortP>|t|95% CI
√(V)0.2930.3310.8900.392−0.422 to 1.008
bias |−1.8711.595−1.1700.262−5.317 to 1.576
  • MSE = mean squared error.