Appendix 1

Details of included studies undertaken in primary care settings

Study detailsComparisonKey measure (s)Statistical significance
Lyndon et al,2
 RCT1. Audax® (n = 19)Degree of impaction: none, mild, moderate, or severeNot statistically significant (no P-value reported)
 Age, mean (range) years: 52 (19–86) overall
 Sex, M:F for all patients: 19:172. Earex® (n = 17)Ease of syringing: not required, easy, difficult, or impossibleStatistically significant in favour of Audax® (P<0.005)
 Follow-up: 5 days
Fahmy and Whitefield,3
 CCT1. Cerumol® (ears = 157)Wax dispersal without syringingStatistically significant in favour of Exterol® (P<0.001)
 Age: not reported
 Sex: not reported2. Exterol® (ears = 129)
 Follow-up: 1 week
Jaffé and Grimshaw,4
 RCT1. Cerumol® (n = 53)Number of people needing syringingStatistically significant in favour of Otocerol® (P = 0.05)
 Baseline characteristics:
 Age distribution (Group 1:Group 2):2. Otocerol® (n = 53)
  0–9 years: 0:1
  10–19 years: 5:1
  20–59 years: 31:35
  60–89 years: 17:16
 Sex, M:F:
  1. 32:21
  2. 25:28
 Follow-up: patients asked to revisit GP after three instillations
General Practitioner Research Group,5
 RCT1. Waxsol® (n = 47)Volume of water for syringingNot reported
 Age groups, % of all patients:
  10–30 years, 272. Cerumol® (n = 60)Ease of wax removalNot reported
  31–50 years, 34
  51–70 years, 31
  71 years and over, 8
 Sex: not reported
 Follow-up: immediate
Dummer et al,6
 RCT1. Audax® (n = 27)Amount, colour, and consistency of waxNot reported
 Age, mean years:
  1. 512. Cerumol® (n = 23)
  2. 55
 Sex, M:F:
  1. 18:9
  2. 14:9
 Follow-up: median number of days between visits 1 and 2 was 4 days (range 3–7 days)
Triethanolamine polypeptide
Singer et al,7
 RCT1. DS (n = 27)TM visualisation: complete or incompleteNot statistically significant
 Age, mean years (SD):
  1. 38.7 (30.7)2. TP (n = 23)
  2. 46.1 (29.1)
 Sex, M:F (%):
  1. 16 (59):11 (41)
  2. 16 (70):7 (30)
 Follow-up: immediate
Meehan et al,8
 RCT1. DS (n = 15)TM visualisation: complete, partial, clearNot reported
 Age, mean years: 4.6 overall
 Sex, M:F overall: 24:242. TP (n = 17)
 Follow-up: immediate
Also saline alone group (n = 16)
Whatley et al,9
 RCT1. DS (n = 35)TM visualisation: completeNot reported
 Age, mean (SD):
  1. 36.4 (19.1) monthsa2. TP (n = 30)
  2. 30.9 (15.2) months
 Sex, M:F (%):Also saline alone group (n = 28)
  1. 14:20 (41:59)
  2. 13:17 (43:57)
 Follow-up: immediate
Amjad and Scheer,10
 RCT1. TP (n = 40)Degrees of wax removalNot reported
 Age: not reported
 Sex: not reported2. Carbamide peroxide (n = 40)
 Follow-up: immediate
Sodium bicarbonate preparations
Carr and Smith,11
 RCT1. Aqueous sodium bicarbonate (n = 35)Mean change in degree of cerumenNot statistically significant (no P-value reported)
 Age, mean years for all:
  25.32. Aqueous acetic acid (n = 34)
 Age, mean years for children:
  1. 8.7
  2. 7.26
 Sex: not reported
 Follow-up: 14 days
General Practitioner Research Group,12
 RCT1. Dioctyl-medo (n = 77)Volume of water for syringingNot reported
 Age range, overall, years
  M: 31–502. Oil-base alone (n = 73)Ease of wax removal
  F: 51–70
 Sex, all patients, M:F 1.3:1
 Follow-up: immediate
 CCT1. Dioctyl-medo (n = 33 ears)Ease of removing waxNot reported
 Age range, years: 18–75 overall
 Sex, M:F for all patients: 32:182. Maize oil capsules (n = 41 ears)
 Follow-up: 2–7 days
Eekhof et al,14
 Age, mean years (SD): 51 (16) overall1. Water (n = 22)Mean number of syringing attemptsNot statistically significant (P = 0.18)
 Sex, M:F overall: 20:22
 Follow-up: immediate for water group but 3 days for oil group2. Self-administered oil (n = 20)
Pavlidis and Pickering,15
 RCT1. Wet syringing (n = 22 ears)Mean number of syringing attemptsNot tested
 Age, mean years (SD):
  1. 63 (8)2. Dry syringing (n = 17 ears)
  2. 65 (20)
 Sex, M:F (%):
  1. 15 (68):7 (32)
  2. 11 (65):6 (35)
 Follow-up: immediate
  • a One participant discontinued. CCT = controlled clinical trial. DS = docusate sodium. F = female. M = male. RCT = randomised controlled trial.

  • SD = standard deviation. TM = tympanic membrane. TP = triethanolamine polypeptide.