Table 3

Primary care and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) diagnosis

Questionn (%)
How do you usually find out that a woman has GDM? (n = 915)
 A letter from the hospital718(78.5)
 From the maternity notes354 (38.7)
 The patient informs me352 (38.5)
 Don't know15(1.6)
In your experience, have you had difficulties finding out that your patients have gestational diabetes? (n = <900)
 No733 (81.4)
What are these difficulties due to? (n = 167)
 Lack of communication from the hospital143(85.6)
 The patient doesn't inform you61 (36.5)
 The glucose tolerance test is not done at the practice62(37.1)
 Don't know6 (3.6)