GPs, %Nurses, %Patients, %Admin staff, %
NeverYes, but always follow upYes, but follow up if necessaryNeverYes, but always follow upYes, but follow up if necessaryNeverYes, but always follow upYes, but follow up if necessaryNeverYes, but always follow upYes, but follow up if necessary
Itchy skin rash123851393229183052294527
Results of laboratory test1890319788197211090
Cough, spit, and temperature in adult173350364321213642194535
Abdominal pain and diarrhoea213445343630163747404118
Painful ankle injury373034642115233443154046
New severe headache8611384116393526503020
Cough and temperature in child <3 years for >24 hours32392970171351341574197
Flare up of rheumatoid arthritis28512139529
Asthma symptom review194239173746
Left-sided chest pain7519687103
Epilepsy review152362243739
Recurrent episode of depression45441161327
Suspected urine infection in adult female11584184339
  • a Patients and administrative staff were only asked about the first seven conditions.