Table 3

Barriers to the use of evidence-based medicine (EBM) by GPs

EvidenceGP's preferencesPatient's situationPractice setting
• Translating trials into practice13,18,30• Knowledge of EBM15,26• Treatment expectations different from evidence25,31,33• Applicability of evidence to general practice13,14,17,18,22,24,27,30,34
• Use of evidence is complicated23• Difficulty keeping up13,27• Adapting to preferences, beliefs, and demands different from evidence15,24,26,30,33• Lack of time:1316,20,21,25,2831,33
 • to search for evidence17,19,33
 • to access evidence19,26
 • to appraise evidence33
 • to apply evidence23
 • to keep up to date1517
 • to discuss with patient33
 • per patient33
 • to reflect on practice26
• Change of existing evidence15,19• Difficult to find information14,17,27• Reluctant to comply with treatment34• Lack of managerial support20,22,27
• User-friendliness: need for summaries,14 also for better formats22,30• EBM skills14,15,19,24,30,31,33• GP's desire for patient's appreciation17• Lack of investment/incentives27,31
• Lack of (qualitatively good) available evidence15,24,26,30,31,33• Attitude towards EBM15• Discussing with patient24• Fear of punishment or litigation:18,25
• limited in treatment options and clinical freedom15,18,23,25• ‘convincing and pressure to meet • EBM is a threat24,31
• expectations’17,26
• lack of interest/motivation32• ‘selling evidence to patients’17
• ‘EBM not helpful’16
• ‘EBM will not benefit practice’27
• in older people (less effort applying)13
• lack of ownership/commitment13
• Contradictions in evidence15,17,18,26,27,30• Lack of training20,25,32• Not accepting uncertainty of evidence18• Money needed:15,16,27,30,33
• direction in training13,15,27 • for access to internet and resources26
 • EBM carries no financial gain27,31
• Too much available evidence24,31• Personal and professional experiences different from evidence34• Confidence in GP reduced by guidelines25• Rural location26
• Lack of resources14,15,26• Fear of side effects17 or harm19• Relationship between GP and patient34• Morale24
• Available sources not helpful16• Harmonising guidance19,30• Experiences of the patient different from evidence34
• Access (computers, internet, journals, databases, or libraries)14,16,21,2331• Practicalities of real life13,24• Toleration of uncertainties18
• Lack of trust in origin17,18 and in independence of evidence sources15 or information spread by other organisations (not evidence based)15• Lack of confidence19,30• Clinical symptoms, disease14
• Level of evidence22• Familiarity with new role15,26• Psychosocial context18,31
• Implications of the evidence22• Personal and organisational inertia24• Influence of media15,24
• The language in which evidence is written20• Culture29• Information retrieval by patient20
• Lack of help in interpretation by experts/specialists13,14,20• Influence of belief of peers19,2426,31• Words of GP and presentation of information used by GP34