Table 2

Associations of practice structure and organisation with practice immunisation coverage and timeliness.

Practice characteristic (number of practices)Median % received all immunisations (25–75th centile)P-value adjusted for region and governanceP-value adjusted for region, governance, social deprivationa, age and age at registrationMedian % with no delayed immunisations (25–75th centile)P-value adjusted for region and governanceP-value adjusted for region, governance, social deprivationa, age, and age at registration
Generic practice factors
Practice management system used
 Medtech32 (89)72 (62–78)<0.0010.00159 (46–64)<0.0010.010
 Other (28)63 (44–76)42 (25–60)
Staff shortages
 Yes (76)67 (53–75)0.0100.10050 (37–63)0.0070.040
 No (41)76 (65–79)61 (44–66)
Practice charges for visits by registered patients
 Yes (31)75 (70–82)<0.0010.20049 (35–64)0.0020.240
 No (86)65 (52–75)61 (57–64)
Percentage of patients owing money to practice
 >15% (43)62 (47–73)<0.0010.27047 (32–62)<0.0010.180
 ≤15% (73)75 (65–80)60 (47–66)
Immunisation-specific practice factors
Specified appointments or clinics for immunisation
 Yes (40)69 (59–77)0.0300.27057 (43–64)0.0500.430
 No (77)71 (57–77)55 (38–64)
GPs sometimes give the immunisations
 Yes (44)70 (64–79)0.1100.58060 (46–66)0.0200.200
 No (73)70 (54–75)55 (32–62)
Frequency of immunisation audit
 At least monthly (32)72 (62–77)0.0050.25058 (47–62)0.0700.900
 Less often (85)70 (56–77)51 (37–65)
  • a Percentage in most socioeconomically deprived quintile included in model as a continuous variable. Socioeconomic deprivation measured using the NZDep2001 Index of Deprivation, a small area-based measure that combines nine variables from the 2001 Census that reflect aspects of material and social deprivation.19