Table 1

Associations of region, practice governance, socioeconomic deprivation, child's age, and child's registration age with practice immunisation coverage and timeliness.

Immunisation coverageImmunisation timeliness
Practice characteristic (number of practices)Median % (25th to 75th centile)Univariate P-valueMultivariate P-valueaMedian % (25th to 75th centile)Univariate P-valueMultivariate P-valuea
 Auckland (68)68 (53–75)0.0200.00455 (41–66)0.2500.350
 Midland (50)73 (58–79)
Practice governance
 Maori (21)56 (44–62)0.0060.11040 (25–47)0.0020.030
 Non-Maori (97)73 (63–79)59 (47–66)
P-value adjusted for region and governanceP-value adjusted for region and governance
% of registered patients in most deprived quintileb
 <30% (86)74 (63–79)<0.001<0.00160 (47–66)<0.0010.002
 ≥30% (32)58 (35–65)42 (25–58)
Median age of registered children at each practice
 <13 months (48)73 (65–78)0.001<0.00161 (54–66)0.0010.560
 ≥13 months (70)64 (49–77)48 (34–63)
Median age of children at registration
 <3 months (72)74 (63–79)0.0400.02060 (46–66)0.1400.020
 ≥3 months (46)63 (46–73)47 (35–62)
  • a Adjusted for other variables in table with socioeconomic deprivation, age, and age at enrolment all entered into model as continuous variables.

  • b Percentage in most socioeconomically deprived quintile included in model as a continuous variable. Socioeconomic deprivation measured using the NZDep2001 Index of Deprivation, a small area-based measure that combines nine variables from the 2001 Census that reflect aspects of material and social deprivation.19