Table 1

Participants’ baseline characteristics.

Control group, n = 45aIntervention group, n = 45bTotal, n = 90
Age in years, mean (SD)46 (11)42 (11)44 (11)
Female, n (%)c23 (51)35 (78)58 (64)
Male, n (%)22 (49)10 (22)32 (36)
Medical card eligibility, mean (SD)d14 (58)10 (42)24 (27)
  Referred by health professional, n (%)35 (78)33 (73)68 (76)
  Self-referred, n (%)10 (22)12 (27)22 (24)
  Systolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD)124.3 (13.6)121.8 (16.1)123.1 (14.9)
  Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD)81.3 (7.3)81.4 (9.1)81.3 (8.2)
  Resting heart rate, beats per minute, mean (SD)71.4 (8.4)73.8 (9.9)72.6 (9.2)
  Weight in kg, mean (SD)86.7 (18.7)78.6 (22.1)82.6 (20.7)
  BMI, mean (SD)28.9 (4.9)27.4 (6.0)28.2 (5.5)
  HADS, mean (SD)4.0 (3.2)3.5 (2.5)3.7 ()2.9)
  EQ-VAS, mean (SD)73.2 (18.4)74.1 (16.3)73.7 (17.3)
  EQ-5D, mean (SD)e0.83 (0.10)0.87 (0.07)0.85 (0.09)
  Email on mobile phone, n (%)36 (80)33 (73)69 (77)
  Smartphone apps previously downloaded, n (%)8 (18)9 (20)17 (19)
  Baseline daily step count, mean (SD)5138 (3873)4365 (2732)4771 (3380)
  • a In control group, n = 41 for baseline step count, n = 44 for HADS, and n = 43 for EQ-VAS.

  • b In intervention group, n = 37 for baseline step count, and n = 42 for EQ-VAS. P > 0.05 for all comparisons except:

  • c sex (P = 0.008) and

  • e EQ-5D (P = 0.03).

  • d Socioeconomic status was measured at the individual level by whether participants were ‘medical card eligible’, a means-tested health benefits scheme. BMI = body mass index. EQ-VAS = EuroQol visual analogue scale quality-of-life scoring tool. HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. SD = standard deviation.