Table 2.

Mean (£) total funding per patient to practices by deprivation decile

Deprivation decileTotal contract payments, mean (SD) £ per patientDifference from least deprived decile, £ per patientTotal contract payments minus correction factor payments, mean (SD) £ per patientDifference from least deprived decile, £ per patientTotal contract payments excluding remote and very remote practices,a mean (SD) £ per patientDifference from least deprived decile, £ per patient
1 – least deprived111.51 (26.2)108.09 (20.2)107.80 (14.9)
2142.57 (61.7)31.06 (P<0.01)131.18 (41.4)25.09 (P<0.01)120.14 (24.1)12.34 (P<0.01)
3126.65 (42.3)15.14 (P= 0.01)119.10 (29.4)11.01 (P= 0.01)111.68 (18.4)3.88 (P= 0.20)
4120.36 (28.6)8.85 (P= 0.13)115.29 (22.6)7.20 (P= 0.13)112.10 (14.0)4.30 (P= 0.34)
5133.66 (51.3)22.15 (P<0.01)128.16 (45.2)20.06 (P<0.01)115.64 (16.9)7.84 (P= 0.01)
6126.90 (48.6)15.39 (P<0.01)119.78 (38.1)11.69 (P= 0.01)115.37 (19.5)7.57 (P= 0.04)
7117.38 (28.8)5.87 (P= 0.31)115.01 (28.9)6.92 (P= 0.14)112.93 (17.5)5.13 (P= 0.09)
8114.57 (19.6)3.06 (P= 0.60)112.68 (19.7)4.58 (P= 0.34)114.14 (19.7)6.34 (P= 0.04)
9116.22 (15.2)4.71 (P= 0.42)113.42 (14.0)5.33 (P= 0.27)115.02 (15.1)7.21 (P= 0.01)
10 – most deprived120.43 (20.7)8.92 (P= 0.10)117.45 (20.2)9.36 (P= 0.04)121.65 (20.7)13.85 (P<0.01)
Scotland mean123.32 (38.40)118.07 (30.40)115.52 (25.79)123.32 (38.40)
Spearman ρ−0.09P= 0.030.04P= 0.130.07P= 0.09
  • a Remote and very remote practices based on Scottish Executive Urban rural classification, defined as those between 30 and 60 minutes (remote) or >60 minutes (very remote) drive-time from an urban area of >10 000 people.