Table 1.

Characteristics of participating GPs (n = 19) and GP assistants (n = 11)

Patients with intellectual disability per GP practice,a N
Sex,b n (%)
    Male12 (63)
    Female7 (37)
  GP assistants
    Male0 (0)
    Female11 (100)
Urbanisation GP practices,c n (%)
  Rural area6 (32)
  Urbanised rural area10 (53)
  Urban area3 (16)
  • a Reference data of Dutch GP practices (data from 87 practices): on average 10 people with ID (median 8; range 0–70) within a standard-size general practice, serving 2350 patients.23

  • b Sex was similarly distributed among participants in the present study sample compared with the Dutch professional group of GPs.24

  • c Percentages were rounded and therefore add up to 101%. Reference numbers for the Dutch professional group of GPs: rural area 11%; urbanised rural area 42%; and urban area 48%.24 ID = intellectual disabilities.