Table 3.

The latent factors of antibiotic prescribing

No.Factor characteristicsSurvey questions included in the factor loadingFactor scores, mean (SD)α
High prescribingLow prescribing
1Medical knowledge and clinical competencyQ1) Symptoms of AURI cannot be relieved faster by antibiotics−0.36 (0.06)0.41 (0.06)0.74
Q2) I am less comfortable giving antibiotics to patients with AURI than giving them
Q3) I think antibiotics are overprescribed in primary care
Q4 I do not find it difficult to determine whether antibiotics are needed for my patients with AURI
Q5) I do not prescribe antibiotics if I don’t think the patient needs them because I am not worried that I will miss a bacterial infection
Q6) I do not prescribe antibiotics if I don’t think the patient needs them because the risk of giving antibiotics is not low (for example, an allergic reaction)
Q7) I do not prescribe antibiotics if I don’t think the patient needs them because I am not worried about the risk of bacterial complications from a viral AURI
2Conservative practice (giving antibiotics ‘to be on the safe side’)Q8) I am more likely to give antibiotics to patients with AURI if they are at the extremes of age (that is, in paediatric or geriatric age groups)0.12 (0.06)−0.13 (0.08)0.66
Q9) I am more likely to give antibiotics if the patient has comorbidities (for example, diabetes mellitus, COPD, chronic renal disease)
Q10) I am more likely to give antibiotics if the patient returns for a repeat visit for the same respiratory condition
Q11) I am more likely to give antibiotics if the patient has >3 days of respiratory symptoms
3GPs’ perceived patient expectationsQ12) If I do not prescribe antibiotics to my patients with AURI, they will usually ask for them−0.06 (0.07)0.07 (0.07)0.61
Q13) I prescribe antibiotics even if I don’t think the patient needs them because I think the patient expects them
Q14) I prescribe antibiotics even if I don’t think the patient needs them because otherwise the patient will then seek medical attention elsewhere
4Good clinical practiceQ15) If I don’t think my patient needs antibiotics, I will not prescribe them−0.31(0.07)0.35 (0.07)0.64
Q16) If a patient who does not need antibiotics asks for them, I will explain to them why I think they do not need them
Q17) I am able to convince my patients who do not need antibiotics that they will not benefit from them
Q18) I think I prescribe antibiotics appropriately
5Availability of diagnostic testsQ19) To diagnose pneumonia, in addition to physical examination I routinely do further investigations (for example, FBC, CXR)−0.15 (0.06)0.17 (0.08)0.62
Q20) If I am uncertain whether an AURI is of viral or bacterial origin, I depend on diagnostic tests (for example, FBC, CRP, throat culture).
Q21 The turnaround time for diagnostic tests for AURI infections is not too long to be useful in my practice
6Desire to improve clinical practiceQ22) I hope the Ministry of Health will publish a clinical practice guideline on use of antibiotics in AURI−0.16 (0.07)0.18 (0.07)0.73
Q23) A national guideline would change my antibiotic prescribing pattern
Q24) I would be keen to take part in an education programme aimed at reducing antibiotic prescription in primary care
  • AURI = acute upper respiratory tract infections. COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CRP = C-reactive protein. CXR = chest X-ray. FBC = full blood count.