Table 3.

Mean and mode scores for each item on the self-efficacy scale

ItemMean score (SD)RangeMode score
Recognising the signs and symptoms of autism in children5.2 (1.8)1–105
Communicating with parents about a suspected diagnosis of autism5.2 (2.0)1–105
Recognising the signs and symptoms of autism in adults4.9 (1.8)1–105
Recognising the signs and symptoms of autism in girls and women4.7 (1.8)1–104
Recognising the signs and symptoms of autism in individuals with good language and no apparent intellectual difficulties4.4 (2.0)1–104
Recognising additional mental health conditions in my patients with autism5.3 (1.9)1–105
Managing the care of children with autism4.4 (1.9)1–105
Managing the care of adults with autism4.2 (1.8)1–103
Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of my patients with autism4.1 (2.0)1–103
Knowing to whom to refer my patients I suspect of having autism5.7 (2.2)1–105
Knowing the relevant care pathways/services for people on the autism spectrum4.8 (2.2)1–104
Knowing which community resources in my area are available for children and adults with autism4.4 (2.1)1–104
Knowing which medications to prescribe for children or adults with autism3.2 (1.9)1–92
Identifying stress in the parents and carers of my patients with autism6.3 (2.2)1–105
Total4.8 (1.5)
  • Scores ranges from 1 (‘not at all confident’) to 10 (‘extremely confident’). SD = standard deviation.