Table 3.

Conditional logit regression analysis by risk group (effects coded)

AttributeLevelRisk level not mentionedaLow riskbHigh riskcP-valued
Coefficient (95% CI)Coefficient (95% CI)Coefficient (95% CI)
Length of consultation(minutes)−0.002 (−0.017 to 0.012)e0.004 (−0.011 to 0.020)e0.001 (−0.014 to 0.015)e0.83
Waiting time(weeks)−0.578 (−0.641 to −0.516)−0.531 (−0.591 to −0.472)−0.516 (−0.575 to −0.457)0.13
Convenience/availabilityNormal working hours only
Any time0.013 (−0.065 to 0.092)e0.083 (0.007 to 0.160)0.026 (−0.047 to 0.099)e0.40
Healthcare professionalAny GP
GP of your choice0.191 (0.118 to 0.263)0.309 (0.234 to 0.385)0.237 (0.162 to 0.311)0.08
Listening to youVery poor
Poor−0.698 (−0.890 to −0.506)−0.634 (−0.827 to −0.440)−0.717 (−0.909 to −0.525)0.82
Good0.864 (0.695 to 1.031)0.831 (0.670 to 0.994)0.849 (0.686 to 1.012)0.96
Very good0.762 (0.603 to 0.923)0.973 (0.809 to 1.138)0.889 (0.737 to 1.050)0.19
Joint testf0.48
Overall joint testg0.18
  • a Number of observations = 205; Pseudo-R2 = 0.4309.

  • b Number of observations = 200; Pseudo-R2 = 0.4503.

  • c Number of observations = 196; Pseudo-R2 = 0.4115.

  • d χ2 test that coefficients are equal across risk groups within every level.

  • e Coefficient not significantly different from zero; all other coefficients significant at P<0.001.

  • f Joint χ2 test that every coefficient is equal across the risk groups within every level of this attribute.

  • g Joint χ2 test that every coefficient is equal across the risk groups within every level of every attribute.