Table 3.

Comparison of key attributes of English general practices participating in the NCDA (N = 439) with non-participating practices

Median (IQR)P-valueb
NCDA participating practicesNon-participating practicesa
List size (number of patients)8318 (5370–11 174)6197 (3703–9528)<0.001
% of patients ≥65 years16.9 (12.4–20.9)16.9 (12.1–20.9)0.697
% of patients ≥85 years2.1 (1.5–3.0)2.1 (1.4–2.8)0.055
Number of GPs6.5 (4–9)4 (2–7)<0.001
Number of GP FTE5.6 (3.5–8.0)3.8 (2.0–6.1)<0.001
Patients per GP FTE1466 (1253–1826)1673 (1337–2119)<0.001
Patient experience (GPPS scores)afAccess85.0 (80.8–89.8)85.2 (80.7–89.2)0.671
Continuity66.2 (58.6–73.7)67.8 (59.7–75.5)0.002
Doctor–patient communication82.7 (79.9–84.7)81.7 (78.7–84.2)<0.001
Satisfaction with primary care84.7 (80.8–87.8)83.8 (80.0–87.0)0.001
Urgent (2-week-wait [TWW]) referrals for suspected cancerTWW referrals for suspected cancer (per 100 000 population)2758.1 (2009.1–3315.0)2531.7 (1864.9–3278.6)0.0136
% of TWW-referred patients found to have cancer (conversion rate)8.1 (6.3–10.4)8.1 (5.9–10.6)0.564
% of treated cancer patients who were diagnosed after a TWW referral (detection rate)47.5 (40.2–56.0)47.8 (39.1–56.0)0.737
n (%)n (%)P-valueb
Practice population IMD score1 — least deprived82 (18.7)1474 (20.1)
2105 (23.9)1450 (19.8)
3111 (25.3)1445 (19.7)<0.001
485 (19.4)1470 (20.0)
5 — most deprivedg56 (12.8)1499 (20.4)
SettingUrban374 (85.2)6367 (85.7)0.792
Rural65 (14.8)1067 (14.4)
  • a Excluding practices with <1000 registered patients. The exact number of non-participating practices varies by the characteristic compared given different sources and operational definitions, but is generally >7000.

  • b From Mann–Whitney U-test.

  • c Based on GPPS item regarding ability to book an appointment.

  • d Based on GPPS item about ability to see a preferred doctor (among patients who express such a preference).

  • e Based on GPPS item about doctor’s interpersonal skills.

  • f Based on GPPS item about overall satisfaction with primary care.

  • g From χ2 test. FTE = full-time equivalent. GPPS = GP practice survey. IMD = index of multiple deprivation. IQR = interquartile range. NCDA = National Cancer Diagnosis Audit. TWW = 2-week wait.