Table 4.

Results of mixed-effects multi-level regression with dependent variable = continuity (product of ‘has preferred GP’ and ‘sees preferred GP’) from 6243 GP practices and 33 933 observations

Independent variable (interaction with year)Size effect of significant coefficient95% CIP-valuePredictors,a %
IMD decile0.011−0.015 to 0.0370.40
List sizeb−0.000036−0.000047 to −0.000025<0.001−0.036 per 1000 patients
Black ethnicityb0.0250.015 to 0.034<0.0010.025
South Asian ethnicityb0.00990.0051 to 0.015<0.0010.010
Aged ≥75 yearsb−0.059−0.080 to −0.038<0.001−0.059
Smokers0.0025−0.0058 to 0.0110.56
Claiming disability0.0091−0.0077 to 0.0260.29
Long-term conditionb−0.013−0.021 to −0.0063<0.001−0.013
Sub-regionc0.014−0.051 to 0.0780.68
  • a Change in slope of continuity for each year if variable increases by 1%, unless otherwise specified.

  • b Significant predictors.

  • c North sub region taken as reference. CI = confidence interval. IMD = Indices of Multiple Deprivation.