An attempt has been made to show that there is still a need to evaluate screening for moderate hypertension (i.e. diastolic blood pressure equal or above 110 mm Hg). At present it has not been satisfactorily shown that treatment reduces mortality and morbidity. It is suggested that in the meantime individual general practitioners can be encouraged to find cases and that this method is probably the most suitable for identifying patients with diastolic blood pressure levels above 110 mm Hg (diastolic IV).
In addition it has been indicated that at present we have little knowledge about how to make treatment acceptable and that this in itself needs further study. The question has also been raised as to who will do the work of screening and treating, and whether those earmarked to do this will find it acceptable. Finally, the need for accurate costing of the benefits and disadvantages before the wide-scale implementation of a screening service has been discussed.
- © Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners