The results of a survey of patterns of work in general practice over five days in one health district were linked to family practitioner committee data on individual general practitioners. Characteristics of doctors and practices were mostly unrelated to various aspects of workload. However, referral rates for pathological tests and to outpatient departments and claims for cervical cytology screening were significantly higher for younger principals than for older doctors, while younger doctors prescribed less frequently. Women general practitioners had significantly lower personal list sizes and claims for night visits and temporary residents than their male colleagues but saw only 10% fewer patients and made significantly more claims for cervical cytology screening. It was also found that UK graduates made more requests for pathological tests than doctors graduating in the Indian sub-continent. A correlation was found between list size and consultation rate, though the list size only explained a relatively small part of the variation in the rates.
The results have been fed back to doctors in the area and it is hoped that this will increase awareness of the patterns of work in general practice.
- © Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners