A study was undertaken to investigate the number of doctors attending postgraduate education courses outwith their own region. During the one year study period general practitioners from the west of Scotland obtained 2262.0 half-day sessions accredited for the postgraduate education allowance from 335 different courses outwith their region and 10 different distance learning programmes. Four hundred and thirteen doctors from the west of Scotland region (22.6%) attended courses in other areas and 85 doctors (4.6%) participated in 258.6 half-days of distance learning. More than half of the education sessions (56.0%) were in the category of disease management. Sixty four doctors (3.5%) attended 10 or more half-day sessions outwith their region. Almost half the courses were in England and 32.5% of courses were in south east Scotland. Over the same period 122 doctors outwith the area attended 263 different courses in the west of Scotland region. Despite concern regarding the removal of travel and subsistence contributions for postgraduate education activities, general practitioners are attending education courses outwith their region.