9 June
National Training for Primary Care Staff to work with people who use crack cocaine 14 Princes Gate, London
Contact: Monique Tomlinson
E-mail: moniquetomlinson{at}wdi.co.uk
Tel: 020 7928 9152
10 June
A Practical Guide to understanding the problem of Missed and Delayed Diagnoses in General Savoy Place, London
Contact: Susie Valentine
E-mail: Susie{at}healthcare-events.co.uk
Tel: 0208 541 1399
16 June
Introduction to Consent in Primary Care 14 Princes Gate, London
Contact: Natalie Hutson
E-mail: nhutson{at}rcgp.org.uk
Tel: 020 7344 3130
16 June
Consent and Introduction to Confidentiality 14 Princes Gate, London
Contact: Will Small
E-mail: wsmall{at}rcgp.org.uk
Tel: 020 7344 3124
17 June
Medicine for General Practitioners Royal College of Physicians, London
Contact: Conference Office
E-mail: conferences{at}rcplondon.ac.uk
Tel: 020 7935 1174
21 June
Fit for Practice in the Genetics Era Competency Framework City Hall, Cardiff
Contact: Kevin McDonald
E-mail: kmcdona2{at}glam.ac.uk
Tel: 01443 483185
22 June
GPs with Special Interests Earls Court Conference Centre, London
Contact: HSJconferences{at}emap.com
Tel: 020 7505 6044
26 June
Cardiac Arrhythmia Research and Therapy; a holistic approach The Hanover International Hotel, Daventry
Contact: Anne Jolly
E-mail: info{at}sadsuk.org
Tel: 01277 230642
29 June
Developing a variable LES for Alcohol Services in London 14 Princes Gate, London
Contact: Libby Rantzetta
E-mail: libby{at}ranzettaconsulting.co.uk
Tel: 01920 877 293
- © British Journal of General Practice, 2004.