Council held its third meeting of the year on Saturday 19 June. As usual, I am writing to let you know the main areas of discussion and some of the decisions we reached at the meeting.
The next Chair of Council and other vacancies
Dr Mayur Lakhani was formally announced as Chairman elect to take over from Professor David Haslam in November. A number of other posts in networks and committees will become vacant in November when the present Chairs complete their term of office. Full details of all posts will be coming to Council in September and an election for these posts will take place as soon as possible following the September meeting. I hope a number of Council members will take the opportunity to put yourselves forward for these posts.
The following members were also successful in the national elected members' ballot. Dr Tina Ambury, Dr Richard Fieldhouse, Dr Iona Heath, Dr Has Joshi, Dr Helena McKeown and Professor Mike Pringle.
Smoking in Public Places and Workplaces Bill
Council noted that over 3 million workers in the UK are still exposed to secondhand smoke in their workplaces every day and nearly 90% of those surveyed in a recent UK wide YouGov poll supported the provision of smoke-free enclosed public places and workplaces. Council agreed wholeheartedly to support lobbying for legislation to protect the non-smoking public and workers and a comprehensive campaign will be mounted by the College in liaison with PCOs and the BMA.
Professor Mike Pringle outlined the work that is being done to provide support to members in the provision of evidence to support appraisal and revalidation. Following a detailed debate in Council, amendments will be made to the current draft and this will be circulated to Council members for comment. The document will then be circulated widely for consultation later this year.
Review of the GP curriculum
Professor Steve Field, the Education Network Chairman gave a report on progress to date. The Literature Review led by Professor Hywel Thomas is almost complete, and will be posted on the RCGP website as soon as it is available. A programme of consultation through focus groups and meetings with key stakeholders has been completed and a series of presentations has been planned for events over the summer. A series of curriculum statements on topic areas is being produced and will be emailed to Council for comments as they become available. Wider consultation with other stakeholder groups will take place in the autumn.
Major Incidents and Disasters — The Role of the GP and the Primary Health Care Team
This paper has now been published as an RCGP ‘Blue and White publication’ and a copy of the text is also included in on an educational CD produced by, sent to all members of the College with the summer edition of The New Generalist magazine.
Grand Charity sponsorship
Following a detailed discussion, Council agreed to seek funding from the Grand Charity for patient care-orientated projects.
Consensus Statement on mental health inequalities
This statement was well supported by Council and subject to minor changes, will be published later this year.
Review of Council and CEC meeting cycle
It was agreed that the current cycle of four meetings a year should continue for a further year and then be reviewed. The next meeting of Council will take place on Friday 3 September at 10am at Princes Gate.
If you would like any further information on the matters discussed above or any other issues we covered at Council then please do not hesitate to contact me by email via honsec{at}
A sea change in general practice Fri 23–Sun 25 April 2004, Bournemouth
The website of the RCGP Spring Meeting
www.seachange04.comhas now been updated with ALL the presentations, linked both from the speakers' names in the programme and from an alphabetical list of their names.
- © British Journal of General Practice, 2004.