The analysis revealed a range of perceived barriers and facilitators, concerning the feasibility of offering SC&T screening in primary care at the time of pregnancy confirmation (Table 1). These have been categorised at three levels: organisational, professional, and patient. These barriers and facilitators are linked and in some instances are cumulative. For example, the difficulty posed by a woman not speaking English is exacerbated by time constraints in consultations. Similarly, women's positive attitudes towards care offered by GPs within a consultation would be less of a facilitator if they did not hold positive attitudes towards SC&T screening.
Organisational barriers
GPs perceived a lack of time during consultations as a major organisational barrier. Many acknowledged the need to offer screening and although not perceived as disruptive to the consultation, it was seen as an inconvenience. On average, GPs reported that an extra 5–10 minutes was required to offer SC&T screening:
‘I think the biggest thing was time — the general feeling of just how awful it was to take so much time.’ (HCP017)
‘It made us late for consultations and therefore stroppy all afternoon and therefore not giving as good a service to other people as you could do.’ (HCP025)
When asked about the feasibility of offering SC&T screening in primary care, some GPs believed that perhaps it was best left to the midwives. They specifically felt that patients are more likely to be offered informed choice if offered screening by their midwife, who, the GP believed, had more time to spend in each consultation:
‘It [SC&T] should be offered by midwives when all the booking bloods are done because that is when they have a bit more time to counsel them, they do all the triple screening for the Down's test, HIV, and this would be another addition to that. It might fit in a bit easier in that consultation.’ (HCP030)
GPs identified women's inability to understand English as another major organisational barrier, when offering the test. If nothing else, it meant that consultation time was extended, which in turn caused further disruption to the GPs' schedules. This is a common problem for those working in primary care, as many do not have the organisational resources available as in secondary care to offer interpretation services. GPs said that when patients did not have English as a first language it often took a long time to provide a background explanation about the test. One GP explained:
‘It's not difficult to discuss but it's time consuming and that's always the constraint. We do have a significant number of patients who have difficulties with the English language and it's quite a subtle concept to get across to someone who doesn't speak English very clearly.’ (HCP023)
Another GP spoke of his frustration about attempting communication with particular communities who cannot speak English:
‘The new immigrants who are coming are a nightmare for all of us, particularly those who are coming from Eastern Europe and they speak Russian, Polish and some other languages. Those are very difficult patients, we usually communicate in sign language.’ (HCP023)
The strategy of delaying the offer of screening until the patient had a means of understanding clearly was used as one GP explained:
‘Sometimes it was difficult to get through to patients in the sense that there were language barriers and there were no translators and sometimes it just takes ages before you can get through to “language line” [a translation service available by telephone] so I usually did ask them to come back.’ (HCP018)
Professional barriers
GPs expressed concern about raising interventions with possible negative outcomes, such as SC&T screening, in an initial consultation, when most women are feeling happy and excited about finding out they are pregnant. Especially sensitive was the relationship between screening and possible termination. One GP said:
‘I don't mention termination because it's like I make them disappointed, they can be upset or make them more worried.’ (HCP02).
For some informants, this reluctance to raise potentially negative outcomes an inopportune time, related to more general, negative views about offering SC&T screening in primary care. One GP, for example, thought the unreliability of doctors led to difficulties in implementing screening:
‘I think that in the main GPs are a bit unreliable. It's probably partly that they're doctors and not nurses and nurses are better at following instructions than doctors I think.’ (HCP032)
The GP was specifically concerned that GPs would ‘do their own thing’ rather than take advice from healthcare professionals with more experience of offering screening. Other GPs felt it was unacceptable and unnecessary to ask women to undergo multiple tests during pregnancy:
‘Ideally you would see a woman within a few weeks of her getting pregnant, do the test then, and then she would see the midwife and get the rest of her blood tests done, in an ideal world. But often we were booking women late and then they were having a blood test for the sickle and then a week or two weeks later seeing the midwife, having more blood tests and it seemed a bit unfair.’ (HCP010)
Perceived patient barriers
GPs perceived women's attitudes as a potential barrier to offering the test, offering several reasons why women might be reluctant to consider screening. Some women, particularly those from Northern Europe felt that the test was irrelevant to them and therefore not a priority, as described by one GP:
‘A lot of people thought it was completely irrelevant to them and had much more pressing questions that they were interested in asking.’ (HCP 013).
‘Informants also saw women's moral and religious views as reducing interest and uptake of the test. My impression is that based on religious grounds, they wouldn't consider a termination so there's no point discussing screening. They will accept what God has given them, is their attitude very often.’ (HCP024)
GPs, however, were aware that context also generated potential patient barriers. GPs believed women knew little about SC&T before being offered this test, especially if they were from communities, where thalassaemia was prevalent and felt this lack of awareness meant they needed to spend time on providing background information about the conditions before offering the test. This added further time to the consultation:
‘I was actually quite surprised to see how many patients of Mediterranean or African–Caribbean origin didn't really know [about SC&T] and then people did have a lot of questions about the why and what if, so that takes a long time to explain.’ (HCP018)
Organisational facilitators
GPs were generally positive about the simple and flexible systems set in place by the trial for offering screening in primary care. Taking part in the SHIFT trial meant that every GP was invited 267 to a training session on antenatal screening for SC&T and provided with an introduction pack to give to each pregnant woman. These packs included information for women, a father's pack, an NHS leaflet about SC&T, a blood test request form, and a notification of pregnancy form. GPs felt that these materials made it easier for them to offer SC&T screening to women:
‘I liked the presentation of the pack. I think it boosted your confidence when somebody said ‘here's your pack’ and you just literally pull out that one little folder. That was nice because it made you feel ‘yes it's going to be easy to do.’ (HCP019)
Providing materials, which helped GPs implement screening, is obviously key to any future screening strategy, although doctors identified the salience of the more general organisational context. For example, GPs in small, cohesive practices felt they had more control about offering screening, than GPs in larger practices where more organisational barriers may stand in the way of implementation:
‘It's just in a small practice like ours it wasn't that difficult, there's a small team, so communication is easier, but I don't know how this would work in a practice where there are 10 GPs and 15 nurses and lots of people coming and going … yeah.’ (HCP027)
Access to training was also seen as a key organisational facilitator. GPs agreed that they needed specialist training to be able to offer the test to women. Indeed, many GPs believed that the training provided by the SHIFT trial had a positive effect on how they conducted their antenatal consultation:
‘The training actually tried to crystallise the necessary information that I needed to pass on to the patient, and what I needed to obtain from the patient, so it made me more focused.’ (HCP03)
Despite GPs believing that training was especially important in helping them facilitate informed choices, many believed that the test would still be offered as routine due to time constraints:
‘I think the doctors need to be well trained to talk about the test and I think there would be a tendency as time went on to just say “this is what you have to do”, rather than the full explanation because you can't afford that amount of time.’ (HCP010)
Professional facilitators
Many GPs, as has been shown, emphasised the importance of educating their patients about SC&T. Having seen first hand the effects of SC&T on children and their families, GPs were acutely aware of the importance of this:
‘The practice is mainly dominated by a south Asian population. Thalassaemia is common … we have got patients with thalassaemia major and we see what they're going through.’ (HCP01)
Earlier diagnosis was viewed especially positively by GPs as it meant women had more time to consider their options and if they choose termination, would experience less physical trauma, the earlier the procedure could take place. One GP explained:
‘Picking things up earlier means you know what's going on. You are going to want to know this sort of thing earlier rather than later and if you find this out early then it's still a horrible thing to be thinking about but at least you are getting people into service quickly. Going for a termination, is obviously more physically traumatic the later you leave it as well.’ (HCP012)
Perceived patient facilitators
Women's desire to have a healthy child was perceived as a particularly important positive facilitator in the successful implementation of screening in primary care. When asked why they believed that women were so compliant, GPs sensed a key motivation for women's positive perceptions of screening was the mother's moral stance; that is, her obligation to undertake any test that would benefit her unborn baby:
‘Women want an explanation about the health of their baby, to know a little bit more about the health of the baby. I think that's a priority when they come.’ (HCP017)
However, this could be related to women's generally positive attitudes towards care offered by the GP. Despite doubts about the ability of primary care to implement screening, all GPs, except one, said they presented the test in a positive manner and encouraged women to have the test. When asked to explain this, GPs believed that women would want whatever tests were available and expected their GP to offer this. Some GPs specifically recommended that pregnant women underwent the test for safety reasons. GPs also believed that women would happily accept their advice if it meant that their child would benefit:
‘We didn't talk much about choice, I mean maybe it only comes under the assumption that they have come for it and I'm offering what is available.’ (HCP01)
‘GPs felt women trusted them to offer good advice. I think fortunately your patients trust you and if we think screening is a good idea and not harmful so will they.’ (HCP012)
Another GP, reflecting on the general high regard some patients had for their doctor, remarked:
‘Generally patients go on what we say anyway because in a lot of cultures, the doctor still knows best.’ (HCP020)