A qualitative study was conducted using a grounded theory approach. In-depth interviews were performed with GPs using chart-stimulated recall (CSR), a clinical assessment tool that uses a medical chart to stimulate a physician’s recall of a case and its management.19,20
How this fits in
Prescribing for patients with multimorbidity poses dilemmas for GPs, related to polypharmacy, treatment burden, and potentially inappropriate medications. To develop interventions to improve prescribing for multimorbid patients, a greater understanding of how and why GPs prescribe in multimorbidity is required. This study uses case-specific information to reveal the compromises between patient-centred and evidence-based care made by GPs in multimorbidity, in a process facilitated by continuity of care, sufficient time within the consultation, and open lines of communication with the patient, other healthcare professionals, and other GPs. These novel findings will better inform the development of interventions to assist and improve prescribing and multimorbidity care.