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General practice had a workforce crisis even before the additional pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic.1 One response to this by NHS England has been national funding for new roles such as Physician associates (PAs). Curran and Parle suggest that PAs, with their generalist medical training, are well placed to help support the primary care workforce.2 However, concerns have already been raised that there is a lack of understanding regarding these new roles3 and if PAs do not have the appropriate support they will not stay in primary care.4
All PAs working in primary care in our region were invited to attend a morning of education and peer networking. In small groups they discussed their roles and facilitators summarised their reflections of key themes. Common challenges included colleagues not understanding their skill sets; time pressures being a barrier to asking for advice; and uncertain career trajectories for the more experienced PAs. Having a named, approachable GP for the day for advice and feedback was highly valued.
PAs wanted more opportunities for teaching and networking to reduce feelings of isolation. In response to this, in 2022 we implemented a new monthly programme of clinical and professional support for all PAs working in primary care across HEE Thames Valley and Wessex. PAs have the potential to transform the primary care workforce but they need peer sup...
PAs wanted more opportunities for teaching and networking to reduce feelings of isolation. In response to this, in 2022 we implemented a new monthly programme of clinical and professional support for all PAs working in primary care across HEE Thames Valley and Wessex. PAs have the potential to transform the primary care workforce but they need peer support networks and post qualification education if we are to retain them in primary care.
References 1. Baird, B, Charles A, Honeyman M, Maguire D, Das P. Understanding pressures in general practice. Kings Fund report 2016. (accessed 30 March 22) 2. Curran A & Parle J. Physician Associates in general practice: what is their role? Br J Gen Pract 2018; 68(672):310-311. 3. Baird B, Lamming L, Beech, Bhatt R & Dale V. Integrating additional roles into primary care networks. Kings Fund report 2022. (accessed 30 March 22) 4. Agarwal R & Hoskin J. Clinical supervision of physician associates (PAs) in primary care. Future Healthc J 2021; 8(1): 57-61.
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British Journal of General Practice