Euan Lawson has introduced a new concept to me: ‘We all live in filter bubbles.’ 1 This was apparently first suggested by Eli Pariser in 2011. It is probably something that we may have thought of, but never given a name. We are the product of our experiences and view life from a personal perspective. Filter bubbles take this a bit further and it would seem we are driven deeper into our own bubbles by social media algorithms that protect us from dissenting opinions and come up with suggestions for what we like or crave. Our views become polarised and limited. The challenge is how to keep an open mind and be amenable to change or considering other people’s views and opinions. I do find stances that leave no room for manoeuvre or even u-turns short-sighted and doomed to failure. The more you find out about something or someone, the more likely it is not black and white. The key skill to have is curiosity.
- © British Journal of General Practice 2019