A trio of editorials shine their light on ongoing COVID-19 concerns; Pate et al describe the impact of NICE dropping the threshold for statins; more research shows HRT prescribing is predicated on socioeconomic status; and we present evidence that CKD is lower quality and more often uncoded in minority ethnic populations. Castle et al’s analysis paper highlights the funding shortfall for deprived areas, and a glorious article on operational failures in primary care will speak to all GPs.
In our new podcast, BJGP Interviews, the lead author, Dr Carole Sinnott, talks about those operational failures and refers to the daily stresses of GP life as the ‘stones in our shoes’. We limp on, the system never changes, and burnout beckons. The paper should be read by anyone seduced by the trope that ‘GPs are well-placed to …’ without understanding the truth of the ‘work-as-done’. The full paper is open access. Visit bjgp.org, read it, and nod in recognition.
- © British Journal of General Practice 2020