Low-dose amitriptyline for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): a qualitative study of patients’ and GPs’ views and experiences
Emma Teasdale, Hazel Everitt, Sarah Alderson, Alexander Ford, James Hanney, Matthew Chaddock, Emmajane Williamson, Heather Cook, Amanda J. Farrin, Catherine Fernandez, Elspeth A. Guthrie, Suzanne Hartley, Amy Herbert, Daniel Howdon, Delia Muir, Sonia Newman, Pei Loo Ow, Matthew J. Ridd, Christopher M. Taylor, Ruth Thornton, Alexandra Wright-Hughes and Felicity Bishop
British Journal of General Practice 27 August 2024; BJGP.2024.0303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3399/BJGP.2024.0303