PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Floyd, C B AU - Freeling, P TI - Survey to establish the incidence of minor side effects in infants following protective immunization. DP - 1989 Sep 01 TA - The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners PG - 359--363 VI - 39 IP - 326 4099 - 4100 - SO - J R Coll Gen Pract1989 Sep 01; 39 AB - A study of the minor side effects from the immunization of children against diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus, diphtheria/tetanus, and measles is reported. The sample of 306 children received 1028 vaccinations. A secondary study of measles vaccine was made on 177 immunizations. A diary card was used to provide control data before injections and to measure the increase in incidence of minor symptoms after injection. The reported incidence of side effects after both diphtheria/tetanus and measles vaccinations was low and the patterns similar. The increase in side effects was greater after diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus injection, particularly when there was soreness at the injection site. The incidence of soreness was lower when the site of the injection was the buttock rather than the arm. The diary card was found to be an effective method of providing control data and of monitoring any increase in the incidence of minor symptoms following immunizations. The information obtained should assist health care workers to provide accurate advice and to reassure parents who are concerned about their children's protection.