Table 1

Summary of results of interventions on systolic and diastolic blood pressure, control of hypertension and follow up at clinic.

InterventionSystolic blood pressure (mmHg)Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)Blood pressure control (odds ratio)a
Pooled estimate (95% CI)Range of results from individual RCTsPooled estimate (95% CI)Range of results from individual RCTsPooled estimate (95% CI)Range of results from individual RCTs
Self monitoring−10–5−2.0 (−2.7 to −1.4)b−12–00.9 (0.8 to 1.1)0.8–.2
Education (patient)−16–1−9–70.7 (0.4 to 1.0)0.3–1.1
Education (physician)2.0 (−3.5 to −0.6)b−7–1−0.4 (−1.1 to 0.3)−2–10.8–1.0
Health professional care−13–0−8–00.1–0.9
Organisational interventions−12–3−8–50.5–1.8
InterventionFollow up at clinic (relative risk)
Pooled estimate (95% CI)Range of results from individual RCTs
Appointment reminders0.1–1.4
  • a Odds ratio of control of blood pressure (‘control’ blood pressure threshold definition taken as that used in each individual randomised controlled trial), RR <1 blood pressure control greater in intervention group> 1 blood pressure control greater in control group.

  • b P<0.05. Note: no results reported = heterogeneous results; no pooled estimate reported. CI = confidence interval.