Table 2

GPs' use of specific methods of motivational interviewing 1 year (IM group) and 3 years (EM group) after a course in motivational interviewing.

GroupIM group (n = 27)EM group (n = 20)IM group (n = 27)EM group (n = 20)
MethodaGP has used the specific method (%)GP has used the specific method (%)GP agrees that method is usable, median (25%; 75% quartile)GP agrees that method is usable, median (25%; 75% quartile)P-value IM–EM
PEARLSb81951 (1; 2)2 (1; 2)ns
Reflective listening1001001 (1; 1)1 (1; 1)ns
Visual analog scale92842 (1; 2)2 (1.75; 3)P<0.05
Stage of change81792 (1; 2)2 (1; 2)ns
Balance schedule100901 (1; 2)1.5 (1; 3)P<0.05
Showing and using the ambivalence85791 (1; 2)1 (1; 3)ns
Empowering961001 (1; 1)1 (1; 2)ns
  • a Questionnaire scaling: 1–5, 1 = Yes, fully agree and 5 = No, disagree.

  • b Partnership-Empathy-Accept-Respect-Legitimate-Support (PEARLS). ns = non-statistical significant difference. IM group = internal motivational group receiving course in motivational interviewing. EM group = external motivational group receiving course in motivational interviewing.