Table 2

Results of conditional logit regression analysis.

VariableRegression coefficient (β) (95% CI)P valueWillingness to pay for self-care
Constant terma1.968 (1.791 to 2.145)<0.001£22.62
Type of management (reference level, self-care)
 Pharmacy advice−0.304 (−0.496 to −0.112)0.002£19.13 (£22.62 – £3.49)
 GP consultation−0.473 (−0.687 to −0.259)<0.001£17.18 (£22.62 – £5.44)
 Practice nurse consultation−0.923 (−1.128 to −0.718)<0.001£12.01 (£22.62 – £10.61)
 NHS 24 telephone advice−1.480 (−1.813 to −1.358)<0.001£5.61 (£22.62 – £17.01)
Complementary therapist consultation−1.585 (−1.673 to −1.287)<0.001£4.40 (£22.62 – £18.22)
Availability (time to deal with symptom in days)−0.321 (−0.372 to −0.271)<0.001£3.69 for a 1-day reduction
Cost (£)−0.087 (−0.099 to −0.074)<0.001
  • a Coefficient for the constant is used to estimate the combined preference for doing something to manage symptoms (rather than doing nothing) and preference for the reference level, self-care (and thereafter, willingness to pay).