Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants: n (%) unless otherwise stated.

Participant characteristicsIntervention arm n = 797Control arm n = 737
Mean age (SD)64.3 (9.9)64.3 (10.0)
Males464 (58.2)443 (60.1)
Ethnic group: non-white61 (7.7)83 (11.3)
Years since diagnosis of diabetes
 0–5437 (54.8)395 (53.6)
 6–10184 (23.1)190 (25.8)
 11–15107 (13.4)85 (11.5)
 >1569 (8.7)67 (9.1)
Diabetes controlled by
 Diet191 (24.0)150 (20.4)
 Oral medication504 (63.2)497 (67.4)
 Insulin102 (12.8)90 (12.2)
Mean systolic blood pressure (SD) [3]146 (21)146 (19)
Mean diastolic blood pressure (SD) [3]80 (10)80 (10)
Controlled blood pressure [3]264 (33.3)228 (30.9)
Receiving treatment for hypertension540 (67.8)505 (68.5)
Number of antihypertensive medications:
 0257 (32.3)232 (31.5)
 1199 (25.0)191 (25.9)
 2204 (25.6)185 (25.1)
 3103 (12.9)89 (12.1)
 430 (3.8)36 (4.9)
 53 (0.4)3 (0.4)
 61 (0.1)1 (0.1)
 Median (IQR)1 (0,2)1(0,2)
Prescribed >50% of maximum dose of antihypertensivesa269 (50.6)260 (52.6)
Mean body mass index (SD)[2]30.0 (5.3)30.2 (3.4)
Current smoker [1]119 (14.9)104 (14.1)
Macrovascular complicationsb263 (33.0)228 (30.9)
Microvascular complicationsc[173]314 (44.6)292 (44.4)
Mean glycosylated haemoglobin (SD) [10]7.7 (1.4)7.7 (1.5)
  • a Calculated by summing percentage of maximum recommended dose prescribed for each antihypertensive drug and dividing by number of prescribed antihypertensive drugs. Loop diuretics have been excluded from this analysis.

  • b Defined as a history of ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease.

  • c Defined as the presence of retinopathy, abnormal albumin creatinine ratio or peripheral neuropathy. IQR = interquartile range. [] = missing values. SD = standard deviation.