Table 3

Outcomes, showing proportions of patients who experienced the main outcomes.

OutcomeBio yogurt (%, 95% CI)Commercial yogurt (%, 95% CI)No yogurt (%, 95% CI)P-value
Participants suffering diarrhoea during this study9/131 (7, 3.7 to 12.5)13/118 (11, 6.6 to 179)17/120 (14 9.0 to 21.5)0.20a
Adjusted ORa for diarrhoea using output from logistic regression and comparing each type of yogurt with no yogurt(0.40b, 0.16 to 0.96) P = 0.04(0.66b, 0.29 to 1.46) P = 0.301
Previous history of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea experiencing diarrhoea during this study6/30 (20, 10 to 37)1/23 (4, 1 to 21)6/16 (38, 19 to 61)0.03c
Patients developing severe diarrhoea requiring stool culture, specific treatment, or hospital admission, or any other adverse event0 (−)0 (−)0 (−)
  • a χ2.

  • b odds ratio.

  • c Fisher Exact test.