Further information.

Education and Continuing Professional Development
  • ▸ The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is available to all doctors with an interest in occupational health: https://www.som.org.uk/

  • ▸ Higher specialist training in occupational health is supervised by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM), based at the Royal College of Physicians: http://www.facoccmed.ac.uk/

  • ▸ Distance learning Occupational Medicine Diploma courses are available at the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health from the University of Manchester: www.coeh.man.ac.uk/ and the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Birmingham University: http://www.pcpoh.bham.ac.uk/ioem/ and the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Birmingham University: http://www.pcpoh.bham.ac.uk/ioem/

National and regional occupational health resources