Table 5

Rate of relief of symptoms after 1 year in patients without gallstones (n = 110), patients with gallstones who were not operated on (n = 22) and patients operated on for gallstones (n = 81).

Relief in patients without gallstones (%)aRelief in patients with gallstones who were not operated on (%)aRelief in patients with gallstones who were operated on (%)aP-valueb
Biliary pain40/48 (83)5/8 (63)45/52 (87)0.24
Upper abdominal pain48/79 (61)7/12 (58)37/41 (70)0.41
Upper abdominal pain after fatty food intake27/42 (64)5/7 (71)34/51 (67)0.92
  • aNot all patients answered all questions.

  • bχ2 test, 2 degrees of freedom.