Table 1

Criteria for the New Zealand Score.a

Clinical featuresMaximum score allotted to feature
1. Pain40
2. Functional activity
 Activities of daily living (washing, dressing, etc)10
3. Movement and deformity (based on clinical examination and x-ray)20b
4. Other factors
 Multiple joint disease10
 Ability to work, meet caring commitments, live independently10
  • a This table is adapted from Hadorn DC, Holmes AC. The New Zealand priority criteria project. Part 1: Overview. BMJ 1997; 314: 131–134 (Table 2). Amended and reproduced with kind permission from the BMJPublishing Group.

  • b As this feature was only available at baseline, for consistency it was not used here; scores were therefore out of 80 both at baseline and follow-up.