Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the 357 study patients

Demographics (day 1)
 Mean age, years (SD)63 (9)
 Male sex, %46
History taking (day 1)
 Current smoker, %28
 Complaints of wheezing, %50
 Mean duration of cough, days (median)102 (40)
Physical examination (day 1)
 Pulmonary wheezing, %14
 Diminished breath sounds, %12
Clinical view physician (day 1)
 Estimated probability of COPD, mean (SD)0. 41 (0.27)
Lung function tests (day 90)
 Post-dilator FEV1, % predicted mean (SD)100 (19)
 Post-dilator FEV1/FVC, mean (SD)73 (10)
Panel diagnosis
 COPD present, %29
  • FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second. FVC = forced vital capacity. SD = standard deviation.