Table 1

Model parameters

Ethnic composition of the antenatal populationNorth European = 298/1454Dormandy et al, 20102
South or South East Asian = 420/1454
African/Caribbean = 357/1454
South European = 280/1454
Other = 61/1454
Mixed = 38/1454
Inter-ethnic unions 200310P = 0.0373Office for National Statistics,
Mendelian recessive inheritanceIf both parents are carriers:Zeuner et al, 19994
P = 0.25 (child inherits both traits)
P = 0.50 (child inherits one trait)
P = 0.25 (child inherits no trait)
If one parent is a carrier:
P = 0.50 (child inherits one trait)
P = 0.50 (child inherits no trait)
Declared father's paternityDeclared father is not the biological father, P = 0.037Bellis et al, 200511
Failure to screen eligible womenMidwife = 117/441Dormandy et al, 20102
Primary care parallel = 106/677
Primary care sequential = 109/590
Declared father accepts screeningFather is tested when maternalDormandy et al, 20102
result is positive: Midwife = 10/20
Primary care parallel = 20/47
Primary care sequential = 14/24
Father is tested when maternal result is negative: Primary care parallel = 32/524
Woman accepts PNDAs in Zeuner et al, 19994Zeuner et al, 19994
PND-inducedmiscarriageP = 0.015Zeuner et al, 19994
Woman accepts TOPThalassaemia: P = 0.95Zeuner et al, 19994
Sickle cell disease: P = 0.70
Failure of fetus to reach termP = 0.14Slattery and Morrison, 200212
  • PND = prenatal diagnosis. TOP = termination of pregnancy.