Table 1.

Distribution of cases and controls by cancer site, age, and sex

By age group, frequency, %By sex, frequency, %
All patients, frequency, %0–4 years5–14 yearsMaleFemale
Cancer siteCases, n = 1267Controls, n = 15 318Cases, n = 436Controls, n = 4802Cases, n = 831Controls, n = 10 516Cases, n = 703Controls, n = 8461Cases, n = 564Controls, n = 6857
Leukaemia368 (29.0)4484 (29.3)152 (34.9)1763 (36.7)216 (26.0)2721 (25.9)203 (28.9)2470 (29.2)165 (29.3)2014 (29.4)
Brain270 (21.3)3304 (21.6)73 (16.7)817 (17.0)197 (23.7)2487 (23.6)141 (20.1)1703 (20.1)129 (22.9)1601 (23.3)
Lymphoma142 (11.2)1780 (11.6)14 (3.2)157 (3.3)128 (15.4)1623 (15.4)92 (131)1152 (13.6)50 (8.9)628 (9.2)
Bone107 (8.4)1360 (8.9)6 (1.4)77 (1.6)101 (12.2)1283 (12.2)62 (8.8)787 (9.3)45 (8.0)573 (8.4)
Soft tissue sarcoma91 (7.2)1092 (7.1)29 (6.7)297 (6.2)62 (7.5)795 (7.6)56 (8.0)662 (7.8)35 (6.2)430 (6.3)
Renal82 (6.5)947 (6.2)59 (13.5)655 (13.6)23 (2.8)292 (2.8)40 (5.7)443 (5.2)42 (7.4)504 (7.4)
Neuroblastoma75 (5.9)828 (5.4)52 (11.9)538 (11.2)23 (2.8)290 (2.8)45 (6.4)494 (5.8)30 (5.3)334 (4.9)
Other ICD codes132 (10.4)1523 (9.9)51 (11.7)498 (10.4)81 (9.7)1025 (9.7)64 (9.1)750 (8.9)68 (12.1)773 (11.3)
Total436 (100)4802 (100)831 (100)10 516 (100)703 (100)8461 (100)564 (100)6857 (100)
  • ICD-10. Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders.20