Table 1.

Characteristics of participants randomised

CharacteristicIntervention (n = 106)Control (n = 106), n (%)
Practice A, n (%)51 (48)51 (48)
Practice B, n (%)55 (52)55 (52)
Male, n (%)61 (58)64 (61)
Mean age, years (SD)64.2 (6.0)64.6 (7.0)
Current smoker, n (%)45 (42)55 (52)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, n (%)30/102 (29)23/104 (22)
MRC dyspnoea grade, n (%)
 0: no shortness of breath9 (8)7 (7)
 1: only on strenuous exercise21 (20)29 (27)
 2: on hurrying or walking up slight hill42 (40)32 (30)
 3: makes walking slower or with stops16 (15)8 (8)
 4: stops after 100 yards on level16 (15)28 (26)
 5: housebound with breathlessness2 (2)2 (2)
Employment, n (%)
 Full time17 (17)16 (15)
 Part-time work9 (9)10 (10)
 Unemployed4 (4)4 (4)
 Retired58 (58)56 (54)
 Other, such as invalid/disabled/carer12 (12)18 (17)
Highest educational qualification, n (%)
 School leaving certificate to A level28 (29)33 (31)
 Vocational/technical qualifications21 (21))20 (19)
 University degree5 (5)4 (4)
 Other9 (9)10 (10)
 None of these35 (34)38 (36)
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, n (%)
 1: most deprived23 (22)20 (19)
 227 (25)38 (36)
 323 (22)23 (22)
 416 (15)10 (9)
 5: least deprived17 (16)15 (14)
Home ownership, n (%)
 Own home66 (65)59 (59)
 Rent home31 (31)41 (41)
 Other4 (4)6 (6)
 Missing5 (5)
Living arrangements, n (%)
 Alone30 (29)37 (35)
 With spouse/partner62 (60)67 (63)
 With other family7 (7)2 (2)
 Other4 (4)0 (0)
 Missing3 (3)
  • MRC = Medical Research Council. SD = standard deviation.