Table 5

Quality assessment of included studies.

Study reference number
Quality criteria41343532362737423038394043
Sample selection
Representative of the communityYYUYYYYYYUYYY
Study population adequately definedYYYYYYYYYUYYY
Information recorded prospectivelyYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Ascertainment of sample describedYYNYYYYYYYYYY
Assessment of outcome describedYYNYYYYYYYYYY
Loss to follow-up <10%NYNCNCCCCCUYC
Reason for loss to follow-up givenNNYn/aYn/an/an/an/an/aNn/a
Characteristics of patient loss to follow-up describedYNNn/aYn/an/an/an/an/aNn/a
Other biases
Design-specific sources of bias mentionedYYYNNYYYYNYYY
Design-specific bias correctedYYNYNYYYYNYYY
CKD defined to be chronic (≥3 months)NYYYYNNNYUNYN
Measurement of renal impairment
Difference in assays over time or between labs accounted forNNNUYYYYUYNNY
Overall qualityMGPGGGGGGMMGG
  • C = complete. CKD = chronic kidney disease. G = good. M = moderate. N = no. n/a = not applicable. P = poor. U = unclear. Y = yes.