Table 1

Characteristics of participants with persistent cough and those diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and neither of these.

CharacteristicTotal, n = 353COPD, n = 102aAsthma, n = 23No COPD or asthma, n = 228
History and physical examination (day 1)
 Age in years, mean (SD)63 (9)65 (10)61 (8)62 (8)
 Male sex, %45614438
 Current smoking, %26502216
 Cardiovascular disease,b %1934914
 Allergy for pollen or house dust mite,b %1383513
 Duration of cough in days, mean (median, SD)93 (40, 169)84 (30, 181)178 (90, 230)88 (40, 154)
 Previous GP consultation for cough, %43304848
 Complaints of phlegm, %75839170
 Complaints of wheezing, %47623942
 MRC dyspnoea score,c mean (SD)3 (1.4)3.1 (1.4)2.9 (1.1)3.0 (1.5)
 Asthma in first-degree family member, %24222624
 COPD in first-degree family member, %39464834
 Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD)28 (5)27 (5)29 (5)29 (5)
Spirometry resultsd day 90
 FEV1 in litres, mean (SD)2.8 (0.8)2.4 (0.7)3.0 (0.8)2.9 (0.8)
 FEV1 % predicted, mean (SD)101 (18)84 (20)107 (13)107 (16)
 FEV1 % after bronchodilation, mean (SD)6 (12)8 (12)10 (8)4 (12)
 FVC in litres, mean (SD)3.7 (1.0)3.7 (1.0)4.0 (1.1)3.6 (1.0)
 FVC % predicted, mean (SD)110 (18)107 (19)113 (15)111 (17)
 FEV1/FVC mean (SD)0.73 (0.1)0.62 (0.1)0.76 (0.1)0.78 (0.1)
  • a 14 of the 102 patients with COPD also had asthma, not included in the n = 23 patients with asthma.

  • b Physician diagnosed.

  • c Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnoea score: 1 = ‘never’; 2 = ‘only during strenuous exercise’; 3 = ‘walking fast or uphill’; 4 = ‘walking with people of same age’; 5 = ‘walking flat’; 6 = ‘in rest’.

  • d Post-bronchodilator results. FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second. FVC = forced vital capacity.