Table 3

Health Beliefs Questionnaire: scoresa for summary statements for visually impaired and control groups

Itemmedian (mean)median (mean)Visually impaired, ZControl, P-value
Likely to become ill as a result of not taking medication as prescribed (perceived susceptibility)5 (5.1)5 (4.9)0.4640.64
Perceived serious illness resulting from not taking medication (perceived severity)5 (5.0)5 (4.9)0.1010.92
Worry when I don’t take medication as prescribed (fear/anxiety)5 (4.4)3 (3.4)3.778<0.001
Taking medication as prescribed prevents illness (perceived benefit)5 (5.4)5 (5.1)1.5160.13
Taking medication as prescribed is not a real burden (perceived barrier)7 (6.3)7 (6.2)0.9560.34
Confident in my ability to take medication as prescribed (self-efficacy)7 (6.9)7 (7.0)2.7370.006
Important to take care of own health (health motivation)7 (6.9)7 (6.9)0.4630.64
Most people who are important to me think it is necessary for me to take medications as prescribed (subjective norm)7 (6.9)7 (7.0)2.3840.017
It is possible for me to take my medications as prescribed (perceived behavioural control)7 (6.8)7 (6. 9)2.0520.04
  • a Possible scores range from 1 to 7; 7 indicates full agreement with statement; 1 indicates strong disagreement with statement.