Table 2

Effects of interventions targeting clinicians and parents to reduce antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in children

StudyAgeOutcomeInterventionControlOR [95% CI] or % differenceNNTMean differenceSignificanceRisk of bias
Cohen15 2000<10 yrProportion receiving ABx523/1957 (26.7%)670/1807 (37.1%)0.62 [0.54 to 0.75]10<0.001Moderate
Doyne16 2004a,bNRABx filled/consultation0.82 (0.71–0.95)0.86 (0.77–0.95)0.04NSHigh
Finkelstein17 2001a,b3 to <36 moChange in ABx/person–year−18.6%−11.5%7.1%<0.001Moderate
36 to <72 mo−15%−9.8%5.2%<0.001
Francis18 2006cNRExceptions to care pathway33.7%41.2%7.5%13<0.001Moderate
Francis19 2009a6 mo–14 yrABx/index consultation50/256 (19.5%)111/272 (40.8%)0.35 [0.23 to 0.53]5<0.001Minimum
Juzych20 2005b,dNRChange in ABx/consultation−25.9%−4.8%21.1%I: <0.0001e C: 0.35eModerate
Mainous21 2000b<18 yrMean change in proportion of consultations resulting in ABx15.3%22.5%7.2%<0.05Moderate
Regev-Yochay22 2011a<18 yrABx/100 patient–years (n)Moderate
Year 0, baseline78.38 (43 677)76.32 (44 453)1.116 [0.91 to 1.36]
Year 1, baseline65.57 (44 702)70.95 (45 195)0.914 [0.89 to 0.93]
Year 2, intervention46.93 (42 495)59.34 (45 918)0.765 [0.75 to 0.78]
Year 3, intervention48.18 (46 046)57.58 (48 023)0.809 [0.79 to 0.83]
Year 4, intervention48.99 (49 341)59.60 (48 323)0.809 [0.79 to 0.83]
Year 5, follow-up45.91 (49 998)54.56 (47 701)0.844 [0.82 to 0.86]
Smabrekke23 2002d1–15 yrPatients receiving ABx of those consulting with acute otitis media155/210 (73.8%)114/124 (91.9%)0.25 [0.11 to 0.53]6<0.001Moderate
Wilson24 2003b<2 yrMean change in ABx/100 Medicare services−0.78 (+−1.3)0.35 (+−1.7)1.130.03Moderate
  • a Cluster randomised controlled trial.

  • b No absolute numbers given.

  • c Pre- and post-design: intervention = post; control = pre.

  • d Non-randomised controlled trial.

  • e Within-group significance. ABx = antibiotic prescriptions. mo = month. NNT = Number needed to treat. NR = not reported. NS = not significant. yr = year. Italicised P-values were those reported in original study.