Table 2.

Association between the presence of alarm features and referral by the GP

Alarm features according to national guidanceNICE traffic light system10Positive LR >5 in systematic review12Referred (n = 794; n [%])Non-referred (n = 9000; n [%])Univariate ORa OR (95% CI)Adjusted ORb,c OR (95% CI)
Age <1 monthYesRedNo25 (3.1)7 (0.1)42 (18 to 97)64 (26 to 161)
Age 1–3 monthsYesRedNo74 (9.3)98 (1.1)9.4 (6.8 to 13)11 (7.8 to 17)
Ill appearancePresentRedYes255 (32)463 (5.1)8.7 (7.3 to 10)6.8 (5.4 to 8.6)
Decreased consciousnessPresentRedYes53 (6.7)4 (<0.1)161 (58 to 446)134 (45 to 399)
Abnormal circulationPresentRedYes71 (25)91 (4)8.1 (5.7 to 11)3.9 (2.4 to 6.4)
Persistent vomitingPresentRed (if bile-stained)No231 (29)1842 (21)1.6 (1.4 to 1.9)1.3 (1.1 to 1.7)
Petechial rashPresentRedYes15 (1.9)19 (0.2)9.1 (4.6 to 18)12 (5.3 to 28)
Meningeal irritationPresentRedYes49 (6.2)6 (0.1)99 (42 to 231)90 (36 to 229)
Severe shortness of breathPresentAmber/redYes213 (27)270 (3.0)12 (9.7 to 15)12 (8.9 to 15)
Signs of dehydration (all ages)PresentAmber/redNo78 (9.8)18 (0.2)54 (32 to 91)41 (22 to 77)
  • a Univariate analyses was performed on complete case analyses for ‘abnormal circulation’ (Ntot = 2586); ‘signs of UTI’ (Ntot = 3966); ‘temperature ≥40°C’ (Ntot = 8555) and ‘duration of fever’, truncated at the 97.5th percentile (= 7 days; Ntot = 8071).

  • b Multivariate analyses was performed on the multiple (10x) imputed dataset (Ntot = 9794).

  • c Nagelkerke’s R2 (median) = 0.40. LR = likelihood ratio. OR = odds ratio