Table 4.

Perceived impact of the leaflet on GP practices with a total score and grouped by GP’s inclination to use the leaflet (n = 621)

Sending the leaflet would be ...GPs’ inclination to use the leaflet % (n)Group differences between proportions agreeing
YesMaybeNoχ2 (df)P-value
... easy
  Agree70.1 (213)46.9 (107)36.8 (28)65.5 (4)<0.0001
  Unsure15.8 (48)23.7 (54)10.5 (8)
  Disagree14.1 (43)29.4 (67)52.6 (40)
... time consuming
  Agree70.0 (212)79.9 (183)87.0 (67)13.7 (4)0.0080
  Unsure10.9 (33)8.3 (19)6.5 (5)
  Disagree19.1 (58)11.8 (27)6.5 (5)
... onerous on staff
  Agree56.0 (169)73.4 (168)77.6 (59)23.4 (4)<0.0001
  Unsure20.5 (62)13.1 (30)10.5 (8)
  Disagree23.5 (71)13.5 (31)11.8 (9)
... unlikely to lead to many additional appointments
  Agree8.5 (26)11.4 (26)15.6 (12)11.5 (4)0.0220
  Unsure20.3 (62)11.4 (26)11.7 (9)
  Disagree71.1 (217)77.3 (117)72.7 (56)
... costly
  Agree68.6 (208)78.4 (178)76.3 (58)7.0 (4)0.1350
  Unsure19.8 (60)14.5 (33)14.5 (11)
  Disagree11.6 (35)7.0 (16)9.2 (7)
  • df = degrees of freedom.