Table 2.

Reasons offered by GPs, in free text, for late presentation of potential gynaecological cancer symptoms listed in rank order (n = 621)

Barrier% sample (n)
Gynaecological cancer awareness43.0 (267)
Embarrassment32.0 (199)
How cancer symptoms present20.0 (124)
Fear/anxiety/stigma of cancer18.7 (116)
Reluctance to engage with health professional/health not prioritised12.7 (79)
Access to health care11.4 (71)
Socioeconomic factors (for example, education/culture)5.2 (32)
Reluctance to have an examination4.7 (29)
Denial3.7 (23)
False reassurance from a clear smear result1.9 (12)
Perceive self to be low risk1.1 (7)
Wait and see approach to symptoms0.8 (5)
Fatalism0.5 (3)
Acceptance of pain0.3 (2)
Participants who did not offer an answer9.8 (61)
  • Many participants cited more than one barrier so percentages do not add up to 100.