Table 1.

Participants’ characteristics (n = 26)

Characteristic (assessed at cohort baseline)n (%)a
  Median age, years (range)55 (32–78)
  Male, n (%)10 (38.5)
  Median number of medications, n (range)4 (1–25)
Occupation, n (%)
  Working full time8 (30.8)
  Working part time5 (19.2)
  Retired6 (23.1)
  Unable to work4 (15.4)
  Home carer2 (7.7)
  Unemployed1 (3.8)
Condition requiring OAT (%)
  Thrombosis11 (42.3)
  Mechanical heart valve8 (30.8)
  Atrial fibrillation4 (15.4)
  Antiphospholipid syndrome3 (11.5)
Self-monitoring characteristics
  Median duration of self-monitoring, months (range)1.0 (1.0–6.3)
  Received in-person self-monitoring training, n (%)19 (73.1)
  Under care of an anticoagulation service, n (%)17 (65.4)
  Median time in therapeutic range, % (range)82.7 (37.2–98.6)
  Median oral anticoagulation knowledge score (range)b18 (12–20)
Dose adjustment status, n (%)
  Self-testing15 (57.7)
  Self-managing8 (30.8)
  Collaborative3 (11.5)
  • a Unless otherwise specified.

  • b n = 25, maximum score = 20, assessed at 12 months. OAT = oral anticoagulation therapy.