Primary categorySecondary categorySummary of findings
General perceptions of email
  • Overcomes accessibility barriers

  • Limitations: email can be lost or ignored, lack of personal interaction, loss of subtle nuances of communication

Using email in practiceManaging workload
  • Some clinicians responded rapidly to manage workload; others intentionally responded slowly

Impact on patient journeys
  • Email may help avoid unnecessary referral of, and travel by, patients

‘Quick answers’
  • Communication of timely, simple, but important, messages about patient care at the interface

System issuesVariability
  • Lack of a consistent approach to responding to clinical email

  • Lack of a consistent approach to storage of patient-specific clinical email communication across the interface

Relational aspects
  • Some interface relationships formed via email contact, whereas for others email was not felt to be a firm basis to develop relationships

  • Knowing each other may encourage email communication; for others this was not felt necessary

Email skills
  • Typing skills and age are both factors that may influence willingness to engage with email communication