Table 1.

Participants’ characteristics

Focus group typeHealthcare levelSelf-monitoring experiencesSocioeconomic statusaFocus group/interviewFocus group/interview identification numberN (male, female)Occupation
PatientsPrimary careYesHighFocus group55 (2, 3)N/A
Focus group99 (5, 4)N/A
LowFocus group13 (2, 1)N/A
Focus group34 (3, 1)N/A
NoLow/highFocus groupb114 (1, 3)N/A
HighFocus group86 (4, 2)N/A
Secondary careYescFocus group24 (2, 2)N/A–
Focus group43 (0, 3)N/A
NoFocus group143 (1, 2)N/A
Healthcare professionalsPrimary careN/AHighFocus group66 (3, 3)6 GP
N/ALowFocus group106 (4, 2)5 GP, 1 PN
N/AHighFocus group124 (1, 3)1 GP, 2 PN, 1 HCA
N/ALowInterview131 (1, 0)GP
Secondary careN/AcFocus group75 (0, 5)5 SN
N/AInterview151 (1, 0)CP
N/AInterview161 (1, 0)RR
N/AInterview171 (0, 1)CN
  • a IMD score based on threshold of 15% most deprived Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOAs) nationally versus practices in the 85% least deprived according to IMD 2010.17 High socioeconomic status = least deprived; low socioeconomic status = most deprived.

  • b Combined focus group; n = 4 (two participants high socioeconomic status; two participants low socioeconomic status).

  • c Socioeconomic status data not collected. CN = consultant nephrologist. CP = consultant physician. HCA = healthcare assistant. N/A = not applicable. PN = practice nurse. RR = renal registrar. SN = specialist nurse.